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Good to Great Culture

We treat every tier in our meal prep company with respect; we even have a motto for everyone who walks in to work. “Good to Great” means that we are always striving to do better so we can bring our customers a better experience. This is very important to us and it’s how we motivate ourselves to serve our clients with perfect service. Everyone here strives to do better every time they finish a task because they are experienced and can always improve. There are many factors that are dedicated to this culture and how they all contribute to our betterment over time!


When we practice “Good to Great” we are making sure our product is top quality in every sense. Every morning there is a routine meeting to go over important notes to remember for the day like organization and communication from the line cooks to the kitchen managers. We are always increasing variety so our clients will never get bored and be able to mix up their eating habits. We make sure our flavor is never subpar when we are introducing new items to our menu. Our culinary department is always delivering consistency so they’re not missing a single ingredient to enhance the freshness. Every task is just as important whether it’s washing the dishes or mixing ingredients into a side dish. Even when we ameliorate our performance by a single percentage we increase the value of our services to the public.


One of our teams is in charge of making sure the entire delivery process goes smoothly from hiring to execution. We hire the best drivers behind the wheels transporting our fresh meals to every client every week. That’s because our Logistics Team is planning out the routes and training the drivers so the meals being delivered aren’t out of the kitchen for too long. They are always on top of everything that happens for our regular clientele as well as other partnerships. This includes tasks like distributing new weekly menus via email and maintaining customer service. They make sure the delivery drivers are updated on more efficient routes to get the food delivered faster. Serving as a detrimental piece of the company, they make sure every tasked objective is done efficiently.


Meal Prep Sunday makes sure to have representatives check the freshness of each ingredient we receive. They make sure they are getting it from the best local source and it’s fresh and distinguished. We are always on a search for better and fresher local produce to give our clients a new experience every time. We’re always looking for new suppliers, new products, and a new process to make the work easier on our end. Our purchasing manager Lucas makes sure we are getting the best grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, organic ingredients, and wild-caught fish. Every week he will contact local suppliers to test ingredients and get the highest quality product possible. These ingredients are then taste tested by the executives to make sure they work well with the upcoming week’s menu.

Customer Service

The backbone of every business is customer service because it keeps everything aligned. Whether it’s by phone, email, or our social media platform our representatives are quick to assist potential or subscribed customers. Modifying our services with daily improvements will help us provide you with better customer service. It’s very convenient for us to have someone to help if we have a question or if we’re having problems with our account. Our office is always working to resolve any problem within minutes so you can use that time on the rest of your day. We are trying to be on top of any way we can fabricate solutions and direct them to our system so we can avoid these problems in the future.


Our marketing team works daily on keeping our social media updated, writing blogs to keep our customers informed, creating the menus every week, putting together fresh content, and so much more. They’re constantly working on educational works to let everyone, subscribed or not, know what we do. Each member of the marketing team is thinking of different ways of increasing engagement and spreading awareness every week. We are consistently thinking of ways of saving people money while educating them on the services we offer on a weekly basis. We work on newsletters, YouTube videos, and blogs presenting many insights into what we do. Our company is always presenting ways of saving time and stress so you can be the better part of you. If the people enjoying our meals are taking advantage of the healthy lifestyle we are offering then they will stick to it and achieve their goals sooner.


Each member in the office represents a vital position in terms of reinforcing the experience for every department. Keeping morale in the workplace is principle and the leader of each department is in charge of maintaining a comfortable mindset amongst the team. The operations team overlooks every division inside and outside of the facility to increase productivity. They use apps like Crisp and Grasshopper to have better communication with our clients, our #1 priority. Their daily task is to make sure that our motto is being applied to our work ethic. They’re at the forefront of keeping “good to great” alive and well! 

System Operation

No one is perfect, and that’s why we have a synergistic team to work with. This is the team that catches mistakes and finds the origin so these issues don’t happen again. Our meal prep services include everyone involved and aren’t limited to just the customer. Like any problem it’s important to identify where it came from so we can create an algorithm to avoid it. We make sure our clients’ wants are a need for us in terms of satisfying their requests. There is always room for improvement, and improving communication amongst our staff and consumers. If we have any situations brought to our attention we would prefer to respond as promptly as possible.

Our Community

Our entire team, from office to kitchen, is the most experienced in their field and they still improve every week. They are all here to improve both themselves and the company so we can adapt to the fast-moving world around us. Everything is treated evenly and with perfect handling so you can experience the best anyone can offer. It’s all calculated to the measurement of every inch and degree to be the perfect product of careful attention. Our system is very efficient when it comes to matching our customers to the meal plan they want. Adding in your information like weight, age, and fitness goals and will give you a calculated amount of macros you should be committed to in order to keep on track. See how we go from Good to Great here!

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